Actresses All Grown Up
One picture they're a youngster and the next they are all grown up and trying to look voluptuous, it's quite strange really. Anyway all your classic Hollywood kids are in here along with a few you won't have expected.
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It's an intimate sneek-peek at the internets favourite girl next door pinup. It's been years since she took her top off on the Jerry Springer show - Still, i'm not gonna complain :)
Comments: 0
Get ready for some self-inflicted portrait pretties, brought to you by both the joys of the digital camera & the sharing of information rapidly over the internets! In later life they may regret these pics being all over the web but, meh, who cares!
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There's nothing quite like the awesome light show and booming thunder of a good thunderstorm to make you look in awe and scare the crap out of you. Here's some interesting shots taken from some very unique storms!
Comments: 37
It saddens me deeply to see how many of these are guys! I thought this crap was only infecting our women. Kill them all with fire.....*WAIT! Make it a stake through the heart, just to be sure!
Comments: 5
Do you ever wonder sometimes that if there is a god, why in 'his' name did he only make the weekend last for 48hrs? I mean, i know we are meant to spend Sunday honoring his existence, but that leaves no time to look at stuff like this!
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The local gym, you know the place, it's where you go to get fit and tone up and stay healthy...WRONG! If there were more girls like these at my gym, I wouldn't find it quite so hard to make it there!
Comments: 54
It's Monday, how the hell did it come around so quick again? Fear not, it's time for a nice sit down and a gargantuan dump. Of images. Which is what this is. 72 to be exact. 72 of the best interwebs images we could find all week. Enjoy!
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If you've ever gone travelling you've probably experienced this sort of thing first hand. When it comes to sign writing, something almost always gets lost in translation. These are some of the funnier examples.
Comments: 524
Sometimes it's difficult to make a differentiation between chicks in swimwear or underwear, but it's never any real problem for the males of the species because we like looking at them wearing both - So it's a win-win situation.
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Just because you joined up doesn't mean you'll be spending all your time running around wielding exciting bits of weaponry. Luckily there's all kinds of fun and japes to be found in the armed forces.
Comments: 187