Actresses All Grown Up
One picture they're a youngster and the next they are all grown up and trying to look voluptuous, it's quite strange really. Anyway all your classic Hollywood kids are in here along with a few you won't have expected.
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If you're not a fan of seriously hairy ladies then you are about to enter the revolting realm of upchuck central. I'm not averse to a bit of body hair but when they have more than me it's just a bit weird.
Comments: 212
Quite possibly the best combination of exotic objects to make men drool over on the planet, it's a magical combination. For once if you fail to notice the cute chick in the photo you are not gay!
Comments: 184
The similarities are amazing! I know dogs look like their owners, but these transcend that. Unfortunately, some of my ex-girlfriends resembled Jabba the Hutt, not just in looks but in size.
Comments: 59
If you are not a fan of Spongebob then the title will have no relevance whatsoever to you and you can just enjoy the wonder of nature's beautiful creations (in bikinis). But always remember kids, Spongebob ROCKS!
Comments: 0
To quote that wise sage Homer Simpson, "Beer, the cause of, & solution to, all of life's little problems!" Where would we be without this nectar of the gods? Probably still married with a prosperous career!?
Comments: 109
It makes the world go round, it can't buy you love (actually i think it can), and it's the root of all evil (apparently), OR, it can be folded - A seriously creative use of Origami - I have a feeling the Queen of England would not be amused !
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Sometimes you go out & drink yourself into a tinsel strewn, bed-sh#tting, marker-ridden, man-hugging mess, & here are those results! If they want to put people off drinking they should show these to kindergarten kids to scare them senseless.
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Advertising is usually unimaginitive, uninspired or unnecessarily lurid. If you really want to sell you brand then you have to push the creative envelope. Here are some adverts that won't make you want to set fire to a box of kittens.
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It's Tuesday (or Monday, depending on where you are?) which can only mean one thing. Time for another of our patented pic dumps. We've been scouring the intertubes for delectable morsels and here's what we dredged up. Enjoy.
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After seeing these you could say that the definition of beauty is 'when you can go out without make-up and not be mistaken for a dude in a wig'. Most of these girls you could pass in the street and not have a clue who they were...
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