Actresses All Grown Up
One picture they're a youngster and the next they are all grown up and trying to look voluptuous, it's quite strange really. Anyway all your classic Hollywood kids are in here along with a few you won't have expected.
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Puppies, kittens, lambs, calfs, you name it - if they are the animal world's newest editions and wrapped in soft fuzzy fur then our brain switches into mushy-gooey-mode and all we want to do is cuddle them and keep them safe.
Comments: 0
Someone PLEASE get these girls a burger! There's thin & then there's WAFER thin! Sometimes a chickl's obsession with her figure can go just a little too far and result in a body so thin she'll snap in half if you look at her.
Comments: 0
Yep, that's right, the fabled Spring Break is here and the main reason why you went to college to study will become apparent. It's a time to meet with other students and converse about coursework and everything educational. Isn't it?
Comments: 0
Movie magic really is a hell of a thing. They can take an average looking actor and turn him into a 7 foot tall monster, or a midget with hairy feet. Also they can take Chuck Norris and make him look like, well, Chuck Norris. Amazing.
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If you're a regular youtuber then you'll probably have already noticed that often the comments are sometimes way more entertaining than the actual video.
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What is it that makes certain female celebrities stick out from the crowd, they all seem to have something in common, but i just can't seem to put my finger on it is....I probably wouldn't be allowed to anyway.
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No one reads anymore, not when we have endless cat videos at the click of a button, so librarians need ways to grab our attention and make us want to pick up a book—and this is a great way of doing just that.
Comments: 1,884
A collection of photos that highlight the natural and man made beauty of the planet we call home.
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Drool over 'wholesome' teens, brought to you by both the joys of the digital camera & the sharing of information rapidly over the internets! In later life they may regret these pics being all over the web but, meh, who cares!
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They might WOW you with their dazzling on-screen presence and amazing acting/singing/sports/whatever abilities, but when it comes to saying whats on their minds, thats when the word 'star' quickly turns to 'stoopid'.
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