Spot The Odd One Out
Not many people like being the odd one out but some people have the cahones to stand out from the crowd, un-purse their lips and change that duckface into a maniacal grin!
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Pregnancy is a wonderful time for all involved, a chance for the would-be mother to feel her child growing inside her and the proud father to set up the nest. And of course there are those 'special' photos. Oh dear!
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Time to get creative with some home-made 'tear-off-my-number' formats. Smarter than your average ad, these designs are entertaining, eye catching and you keep them as a souvenir.
Comments: 24
Nature is always at it's very best when it comes to the meeting of land & sea, talk to any surfer & they'll explain the factors that come into play to construct the 'perfect' wave & all agree the tube is a work of beauty!
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If you go down to the beach today you're sure of a BIG surprise! Ok, so maybe not a teddy bear's picnic, but something just as cute & cuddly that you'd kill to take to bed with you & hold.
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Get the sleeve of an appropriate book cover or record cover. Assign yourself some similar clothing. Place at amusingly correct angle. Get a pal to take a snap at the correct moment, and. the result: some pretty cool sleeveface pics.
Comments: 160
Lots of cute chicks with BIG guns and something tells me they are VERY adept at finding their way around a big weapon that doesn't fire blanks, not only that but you just know they are used to taking orders!
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It's a harsh world out there, one that craps on your dreams & punches you in the face with the cold hard truth. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world. Deal with it :(
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It's nice to have a different view of the one we are usually used to. Well instead of looking up to them we can now gaze down as they lay drunk in the gutter - Cheers!
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Last month, Top Gear magazine put together a truly unprecedented selection of performance cars on the world's best driving road: Italy's Stelvio Pass. Altogether, a combined value of £3,718,090 & 6,071bhp. (
Comments: 1
It's the most lethal combination known to any young teenager, the risks are just too high to take a chance. It might be uncool to drink and drive, but doing something as foolish as drinking with your buds is insane.
Comments: 6