Cartoon Characters Turned into Creepy Monsters
Remember some of your favorite characters from childhood? Well, prepare for them to be turned into twisted demons and freaks in this series that will certainly rape your childhood of any decent remaining memories.
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Just a small collection of random hot girls! It's the way every man likes their girls - hot and random!
Comments: 21
Hollywood have been churning out the same interchangeable rubbish movie-in movie-out over the past ten years, so it's ALWAYS refreshing to see a fan's take on a movie in the form of a well thought-out poster design. There's 30 crackers here.
Comments: 316
America's favourite couch-potato pastime comes bundled in with the other best distractions known to man. How and why football is related to women taking the gaze of every red blooded man away from the game is beyond me.
Comments: 0
Do you ever have one of those moments in life when things don't go quite to plan and out of nowhere a fairly safe and ordinary situation turns bad very quickly, leaving you in a world if FAIL?
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A full century of attractive pictures of ladies heralding from the 4 corners of the internets. Every single one is worthy of some serious mouth dribbling. Phew!
Comments: 0
Question: How do you make a hawt chick hotter? EASY, you get her to take off all her clothes, put on an 'optional' bikini and jump into a hot tub!
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A picture paints a thousand words, but words alone will never describe the weirdness of these people's faces, in the pursuit catch the ultimate 'slip' of your buddies faces and upload them to the interwebs.
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America, the land of the free. Also the land of the crazy, the weird, and the overall wtf. We're not saying that isn't something to be proud of.
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If you were lucky enough to be in the vicinity of San Diego. CA. in the last week you couldn't have failed to notice some strange goings-on. Hollywood might have gone to a very dark place this year, but not these girls.
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I'm always willing to lend a helping hand to a maiden in distress, especially when they need help in maintaining their dignity, i would gladly lend a hand to this pert predicament for any of these cuties!
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