Natalia Velez
I hadn't heard of this chick until i saw this gallery, but she's definitely worth knowing. She's a bootylicious Colombian model with curves in all the right places and just few enough clothes to keep your attention.
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In a busy world such as ours it's no wonder that FAIL stares us in the face all the time, yet we fail to see it unless someone points it out to us. Once we have seen the wonder of subliminal FAIL it can never be unseen.
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How do some girls still manage to look cute with their heads stuck in the toilet?
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Dressing up like characters from Manga, comic books and tv series might sound lame and that's because it is. But when attractive ladies do it though, it's awesome. This rule applies to pretty much everything in life.
Comments: 4
Those rotten Nazis, if it wasn't eugenics or Project Monarch or occult power, it was stealth planes. This was called Horten-229, but didn't get made in time to drop nukes on the Allies. If it did, we'd all be chewing on sauerkraut.
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Sometimes, if you look at things completely out for context you can't help but think to yourseflf "WTF is going on here!?!" - On those occasions someone may well be doing something that seems logial, to them. Maybe?
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Lets face it, they chew your furniture & shoes, attract dirt like they are magnetized, eat anything and throw up what doesn't seem to get digested and hump the leg of the person who will be the most offended. But. We love them more than words can say.
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Some of these are really creepy and all are WTF? Makes you wonder how the heck someone could get some of these things inside them!
Comments: 137
Makeup isn't just for glamming up, it's also for a suitable occasion that requires a creative transformation. Here are some of the more creative transformations that can be achieved with just a bit of makeup in the right places.
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The difference between Scene & Emo? We're not too sure & don't really care - As long as they're hawt we can overlook their dubious taste in music & enormous persecution complex !
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More truthful titles to popular movies. If movies were titled this truthfully in the first place, perhaps it could have saved us some money!
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