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Instant Frozen Coke
I have no idea how this works but it's amazing. Crack open your fizzy pop, take a swing, put the lid back on, tip it up and back again and VOILA! Instant slushie. SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY YOU INGENIOUS MAGICIAN.
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This advert is about as real as modern society’s standards of beauty. If you’re looking at a picture of a celebrity in a magazine, 9 times out of 10 they have been photoshopped within an inch of their lives.
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This chick could sell anything to anyone with her talents, in fact I want to go find her just so I can let her sell something to me, doesn't matter what, I want it!
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All about bike riders’ safety, so both motorists and cyclists should watch this and maybe, just maybe, everyone can all live together in peace and love and harmony. And rage. Lots of rage. LOL.
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If you disagree, you are wrong. It really is that simple. The wacky inflatable arm flailing tube man is a legend and if this doesn't give you the subconscious urge to go out a buy a car, you're probably not in on the joke.
Comments: 168
If you're plagued with guilt after eating a quarter pounder for lunch, this video should help out. It compares various McDonald’s items with those from supposedly more healthy restaurants
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If you thought Bob Ross was a fan of painting you'd be wrong. He's only painting so that he has some bushes that he can wash and then chuckle about afterwards. He's a weird guy, that Bob. No mistake.
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Wow, this cat would be a match even for a youthful Yoda. Just check out his speed, faster than a speeding bullet. Maybe this is the long lost cat of Obi Wan, who he thought had been run over by a landspeeder.
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Save your pennies and don't bother going to watch the Fast and the Furious 6 when it comes out, this is so much better it's not even funny. I would have love to have seen this story boarded.
Comments: 2
Who says internet friends aren’t real friends? So take that mum! Sarah and Paige have been BFFs since they were only 8 years of age, but the totally crazy thing is, they’ve never met… until now.
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if you thought that the Battleships movie was a weird choice of game to make a film about, prepare to have your mind blown. This might not be appearing at the cinemas anytime soon, but that doesn't detract from it's awesomeness.
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