Euro WAGs
A selection of Euro 2012's most visually appealing wives and girlfriends. If you're into gold digging airheads then soccer player's other halves very rarely disappoint. Enjoy!
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If the old saying that "clothes maketh the man" rings true, then it can definitely be said that "sweaters maketh the maiden" when it comes to the opposite sex. Proof that wearing more is definitely less. If you follow me.
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Sometimes temptation is too much for some people. If your current girlfriend is slim, active and only eats one salad leaf a day - respect her - it takes a lot of will-power to avoid the lure of burgers & fries as these relapses reveal.
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You can never have an ordinary meal at any of these establishments. This is one for those who require a certain amount of ambiance for their dining pleasure! The toilet restaurant is not only fun, it's convenient (boom-tish)!
Comments: 448
It's surprising the human race is alive and well, if not mentally stable, after looking at some of these pics. The sins of the father and of the mother too. No doubt these kid'll grow up to be well-rounded, fully developed deviants
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Hollywood have been churning out the same interchangeable rubbish movie-in movie-out over the past ten years, so it's ALWAYS refreshing to see a fan's take on a movie in the form of a well thought-out poster design. There's 30 crackers here.
Comments: 316
It's an important event in any young persons life that they try their hardest to get into college and do their best with their parents hard-earned cash. Not to study, but to have fun. And of course drink LOTS of beer. Lots.
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Stare, go on, take a good long look. Didn't quite get your fill then stare some more. Why not? There's no harm in looking, right? Just make sure there's not a camera around to catch your indiscretion.
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A picture paints a thousand words and that's definitely true if it just happens to be snapped at precisely the right (or wrong, depending on how you view it) moment to make the image as memorable as it could possibly be! Enjoy.
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The wonderful thing about Facebook is the ability to troll and comment on your friend's intimate dirty laundry, so not only do your buddies find out, but all those people you've not spoken to since High School too.
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If you're not a fan of seriously hairy ladies then you are about to enter the revolting realm of upchuck central. I'm not averse to a bit of body hair but when they have more than me it's just a bit weird.
Comments: 212