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Acrobatic Gymnastics
More incredibly impossible stuff for you. If you thought parkour was impressive, wait until you see these leotards! Seriously though, it's probably as impressive as gymnastics gets.
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If you're a guy then you'll be wincing as much as you'll be laughing at this video. 4 minutes of guys taking it to the nuts is always going to grab your attention though. Lets be careful out there!
Comments: 970
There's a lot of camaraderie in the army but that also means a lot of pranking too. So pity this poor guy, all he wants is to take a peaceful dump, but he's friends have other ideas of the explosive kind.
Comments: 2
You might think your cat acts weirdly, but check out this freaky moggy as it unexpectedly gets up on two legs and does a strange hop/dance across the floor, like it's a kangaroo or something.
Comments: 2
Maybe he's drunk or maybe he's just angry and gonna beat them up and then he'll steal their money and leave them wishing they'd never made fun of a Praying Mantis in the first place.
Comments: 25
If you fancy yourself as a bit of an environmental activist but don’t want to go all native and end up lost in a jungle somewhere, then just consume instead. That’s right, it’s that easy.
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By now the downfall parodies have become something of a played out meme. The fuhrer's fury does fit pretty well with everyone's collective feelings about SOPA/PIPA though, so it's worth resurrecting. While we still can...
Comments: 2
At the start he just looks like an over-acting flamboyant douche-bag, flouncing around the stage and trying to distract from his mediocre voice. When it hits the 1 minute mark though... WOW.
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Save a tree and impress your friends and relatives by sending a Christmas eCard with a difference - AWESOME!
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An unsuspecting stoner comes face to furry face with his mortal nemesis - the rabid ninja squirrel. Armed only with slavering fangs and a bushy tale he strikes fear into the hearts of midnight tokers the world over. LOL.
Comments: 1
This guy gets up on a concrete planter and attempts a backflip but ends up coming down face-first on the side of the planter. This is such a classic fail you could almost set it in stone... Or concrete :)
Comments: 2