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Is This Harassment?
The Association Of Finnish Lawyers put this commercial together that asks whether what this woman is doing constitutes harassment in the workplace. We pose the question to you. Is this harassment?
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Not only does this cat sleep in a weird position but he does it on the edge of a four story building. Someone tell it that thats a good way to use all of it's nine lives at once!
Comments: 2
Finally you can pretend you’re Luke in the Millennium Falcon gun turrets taking down the enemy TIE fighters, turning wherever you are into a lazer-strewn, starship battle-ground.
Comments: 0
Sometimes it's totally necessary to do something totally unnecessary, like This Week in Unnecessary Censorship, Jimmy Kimmel bleeping out newsreaders & presenters & making them look like they're swearing when they're not.
Comments: 3
Intergalactic pr0n is what those Jedi knights were really searching for. Using the Force they were seeking out the finest adult entertainment the universe could offer. Featuring an excess of purple lightsabers & strange creatures.
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It's all looking good until it looks bad. This chick slams her back hard on the top of a pool after a handstand fail. I'm guessing that she won't be doing that again....EVER!
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Do you miss your girlfriend? Spending more and more time sulking while gazing mournfully out of a window? Sounds like it's time you ate a breath-mint & posted her a bottle of your minty fresh breath.
Comments: 6
Remember the Charlie Bit My Finger video? Well, someone's taken said video and made it all zombie. Finally. So the term Charlie bit me takes on a far more sinister tone as the undead hordes come to devour the flesh of the living.
Comments: 1
So now there are multiple makes and models of tablet PC, but which ones blend the best, will they even blend at all? Sounds like a job for the Will-It-Blend guy and his beasty blenders.
Comments: 2
This little boy came to the mic and said his mother offered to pay him $20 for asking who is a better kisser...David Tennant or Christopher Eccleston. In the end the kid made out with $100.
Comments: 2
Have you guessed yet? That's right, it sounds a bit like ball-sack. Probably because that's what it is. It's a sack that you put a balloon in and it turns it into a ball. A ball for kids too poor to afford a ball.
Comments: 2