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Meet Ms Shackleton. She creates her masterpieces using only her special patented Dribbly Paint Technique(tm). Brushes are for noobs, this chick does it all using bottle paints and the power of gravity.
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During a race in Spain, a car slides out of control during a curve and crashes into a mother and her daughter, flipping them into the air. Amazingly, no one was injured in the accident.
Comments: 3
Now here's a match that you would never consider to be made in heaven, more like planet 'WTF!?' They're probably not the most likely of friends, considering cats really hate water, but then love IS blind!
Comments: 7
One of the few ways to be a loser and a winner at the same time. It's kinda like being a breakdancing bin man or a call center worker who speaks only in iambic pentameter. Sure, it's cool, but your job still sucks.
Comments: 3
This cracking shot comes to us from the Paralympics and from a man who, although he walks with the aid of a crutch, is still ballsy enough to dive for a shot if he thinks he can get to it in time. Amazing.
Comments: 75
Hey, little girl. Go ahead and taunt that sheep. Make fun of it and hit it with food. It is just a mindless creature, right? Wrong. You are dead wrong. And you're about to realize it.
Comments: 1
This is without doubt the coolest dancing zebra you will see today. brought to life by the collective will of Rhett and Link and with a web-celebrity cameo at the end, what's not to like? unless you're zebraphobic...
Comments: 1
Can you move like spiderman? Unlike his previous forray into the world of dance, this one won't make you gay but it may amuse you. It amused me. Not sure whether that was down to his strange moves or the awesome music though...
Comments: 237
An now it's time for something you've probably never seen before; a front(ish) flip on a unicycle! According to this guy he's the only person in the world to do this stunt. I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
Comments: 1
This guy has got a honker that makes me want to blow chunks. Not a phrase i thought I'd ever type. Seriously though, if you can watch all of this without a bit of sick creeping up the back of your throat, you're a better man than me.
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Some things promise exacly what they say on the box....but it might not be quite what you are expecting - LOL !
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