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Superman at Uni - Epic to the Fail
So pranks in college lecture theaters are not new, but they are amusing. You’d think though that the Man of Steel would have no problem kicking open some fire exit doors. He must’ve had a real hard night on the tiles.
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Did the earth move for you? It sure as hell did for the folks on that pretty poorly thought out stage. I mean if you know there's going to be something like a CAR coming to a stop, surely you'd make sure the floor is stuck down?
Comments: 4
A collection of all the great videos that made us chuckle during January 2012. There's no narrative, no commentary just 9 minutes of back to back viral videos. Enjoy.
Comments: 1
This is one way to while away the day, load a trolley up with hot girls in bikinis & hit the local sidewalk.Then just dump them off the curb and watch them fall on the hard concrete. Harsh but funny.
Comments: 1
This kid is practicing driving in the school's parking lot when out of nowhere his buddy tries to scare him by jumping on the hood but ends up destroying his windshield. Now that will test a friendship.
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There are close calls and then there are these people - From cars nearly running them down to bolts of lightning striking metres away from them, it’s enough to make you never leave the house again.
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Sometimes the simplest prank can also be the most ingenious: his buddy steps over the trip wire and right onto the slick patch of kitchen floor.
Comments: 3
Instead of the bleeps and blips you're used to hearing when playing Mario or whatever, this puts in some music that makes much more sense with what's taking place up there on the screen.
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Witness a compilation of upset-inducing scenes where adults act like assholes and steal dreams (and baseballs) as players throw the cute little kids a game ball to keep as a treasured memory (nightmare).
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Soccer, the beautiful game, played by gentlemen with good manners and fair play held in the highest esteem. Unless of course you live in Mexico in which case ignore ALL of the above and let anarchy reign on the pitch!
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AT-AT Walkers don't just wake up one day as Rebel killing machines. They were all once babies!
Comments: 2