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Epic Parkour Walljump FAIL!
Parkour is the art of moving around obstacles efficiently. When your town is filled with crumbling walls, the most efficient movement may just be walking around them. Still, idiots like this have always got other ideas - OUCH!
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Easily the most adorable animal abuse you've seen today.
Comments: 7
A couple guys armed with guns will always beat a full house.
Comments: 0
There's nothing like a father and daugher going for a relaxing stroll together, except there's nothing very relaxing about teetering round the edge of a huge chimney hundreds of feet in the air. WTF?
Comments: 3
This guy thinks he's found a shortcut.. but all he's earned himself with that extra time is a little extra pain..-LOL
Comments: 0
Not only is this a great model of an F16, but it flies too. Oh and the pilot is Captain Camera-Head, so when it touches down it'll be loaded with great footage from it's flight. How freaking cool is that!?
Comments: 0
So this song’s for all the norms out there, all those guys who have beer bellies instead of six packs, join together in ugliness and celebrate your normality.
Comments: 0
Do NOT fall asleep at Mike E. Winfield's comedy show or he'll get at least 20 straight minutes of comedy out of your sleepin' ass. To be fair, Ruben deserves most of the credit for this video. He is a true comedy genius.
Comments: 5
This brings a new meaning to the word.. -LOL
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Man, that must be one tiny cameraman. Otherwise he wouldn't have gone quite that far.
Comments: 1
Smart. This guy just made his job easier. Now he only has half as much boat to captain.
Comments: 36