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Egg Launch FAIL!
Kid tries to launch an egg using his skateboard but his face blocks the takeoff, it's almost the perfect literal example of getting egg on your face - LMAO!
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When one door opens another door closes, or maybe something else? This car door opens so fast it almost looks intentional. I wonder if we got an angry ex-girlfriend inside that car. Maximum pAIN.
Comments: 2
It’s one of the greatest films of the 90s, starting famously in the diner with the robbery and making its jumbled up way through a modern day L.A. But everybody be cool, because this is it presented in chronological order.
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A group of Americans sample and describe a variety of unusual international liquors and generally convulse with revulsion: they include bacon vodka, yogurt liqueur, scorpion mezcal, and chili vodka.
Comments: 6
Whoops. A phone number on Chad Ochocinco's cereal boxes is supposed to connect callers to a Feed the Children line but instead connects them to a sex line. Coincidence? Chance? Mistake?
Comments: 0
Well I for one welcome our log splitting overlords. Seriously though, I don't normally pop a chubby over heavy machinery, but this monstrosity piqued my interest. Slices through wood like a hot knife through butter.
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Anita has not been to Polar Zoo in about 2 months. The wolves obviously missed her but to be this close to a pack of wolves, and to let them jump about all over you snarling and bearing their teeth? Cojones. Gigantic ones.
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These kids thought it'd be fun to ring a guy's doorbell, then hide. What they didn't know is how it would end. Moral of the story: try not to get in the middle of someone else's prank
Comments: 1
Just remember, they may look all cute & cuddly, but if you are a cop then that's what dogs do to the cars that they actually catch.
Comments: 1
Wow, this is… interesting. It’s like if Snooki went to Japan, came back a Ganguro Girl and started to make pop music. It’s reminiscent of when the circus comes to town — Roll up! Roll up! Come see the freak!
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Answers on a postcard please. I seriously have no idea what on earth is going on here, but it has totally made my day. I kinda wish there was more to it, maybe some other animals tagging onto the end or something.
Comments: 1