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Lightning Strikes Twice
Forget all those old wives tales and sayings. After a lightning bolt strikes within 50 feet of this chick she calls him over and while his back is turned another bolt strikes directly behind him.
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If you set up a camera filming your face as you sat through these close calls, you’d probably find you’re pulling all kinds of strange expressions. it’s wince city all the way.
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While it may be mischevious and a total waste of police time and resources, you can't deny that it's the most colorful controlled explosion you've ever seen. So good that it almost looks fake. Fake and gay?
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This dude loses control of his vehicle at 70mph and besides one minor bump he somehow manages to avoid all other cars on the road.
Comments: 5
Local authorities warned bikers and runners to stay away from Chicago's Lake Shore Drive. They were all warned about gale winds, huge waves, and Yakety Sax but chose to try their luck anyway.
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Spider bite leaves a huge gaping hole in the side of this lady's face.. SICK-SICK-SICK! - WTF
Comments: 211
A bunch of deer confront a cat in a suburban street, but just what the heck is going on? Well, thanks to this guy’s entirely accurate translation, we can find out the dynamics behind this strange situation.
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The gorillas love that their new diet is all-you-can-eat. Their only complaint is that there isn't much variety.
Comments: 1
This kid nearly breaks his neck after attempting a running back flip and getting just enough rotation to get his face to land first.
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Wizards, Quidditch, ginger sidekicks, and Dumbledore's unquenched man-loving - it's all true. What's false is JK Rowling, she's just millions of dollars of cash sculpted together to form a human being.
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In soviet Russia, door slams you! With the aid of your mates, to swing you properly.
Comments: 2